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Upstream_B2+_Teacher's Book_2nd Year

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Unit 9

b.Explain the task. Play the recording twice. Ss complete the task. Check Ss’ answers by playing the recording again, pausing after each extract.

Answer Key























2a. Read out the rubric and invite Ss around the class to look at the picture and say what they think the project is.

Suggested Answer Key

I think the Eden project is greenhouses or indoor botanical gardens where rare plants may grow.

b.Explain what a biome is (a huge conservatory used to house and grow rare plants), then ask Ss around the class to suggest reasons why the biomes have these names.

Suggested Answer Key

I think they take their names from the climatic conditions and the kinds of plants that grow there.

c.Explain the task. Ask Ss to read through the gapped text and guess what kind of information is missing. Elicit suggestions round the class. Remind Ss that the text paraphrases what Ss will hear, but the information they need for the gaps is clearly given in the recording. Remind Ss that they should not write more than three words in each gap. Play the recording twice. Ss listen and fill in the gaps. Check Ss’ answers by playing the recording again with pauses.

Answer Key






daily basis






universal garden




5 percent


in one day


West Africa




huge greenhouse


dry and dusty



d.Read out the question and elicit answers from Ss around the class.

(Ss’ own answers)

Suggested Answer Key

The importance of these projects lies in the fact that they are a guarantee for the future protection of our environment.

3a. Divide the class into pairs and each pair into Ss A and B. Ask all Ss to look at the pictures. Remind Ss that SAs must talk about similarities and differences between the pictures, not just describe them, and also answer the second part of the question. Then SAs complete the speaking task. SBs listen to their partner and keep time, making sure SAs talk for about one minute uninterrupted. Go around the class and monitor Ss’ performance, then ask individual Ss to report back to the class.

Suggested Answer Key

Student A: In the first picture I can see a woman who is recycling some paper, whereas in the second picture, there are a number of people who are demonstrating against something to do with the environment. I suppose that both of the pictures involve people who wish to help the environment in their own way. I’d say that

recycling is a better way of helping the environment since it is directly related to its protection and it has direct results on our lives. Protesting can also bring about change as far as environmental protection is concerned, but I think that if we work individually to recycle and protect the environment, we will have better results.

b.Read out the question and elicit answers from SBs around the class.

Suggested Answer Key

Student B: I think the most important thing people could do is save energy by always turning off electrical equipment after use, for example. Also, we should be very careful where we throw our rubbish. We should never throw litter on the ground or in the sea.

c.Ask Ss to look at the pictures and remind them that SBs must talk about similarities and differences between the pictures, not just describe them, and answer the second part of the question. Ss work in the same pairs; SBs are allowed about one minute to complete the speaking task, while SAs listen and keep time. Go around the class and monitor Ss’ performance, then ask individual Ss to report back to the class.

Suggested Answer Key

Student B: In the first picture there is a man who is cutting down a huge tree, whereas in the second picture I can see a farmer using pesticides to spray his field. Both of them contribute to damaging the ecosystem. To begin with, cutting down trees, depending on the number, of course, may result in floods and in the extinction of rare species. The use of pesticides, on the other hand, is very dangerous for our health, and contaminates the land and the water as well. I think that pesticides cause more damage, because chemicals poison the environment.

d.Read out the question and elicit answers from SAs around the class.

Suggested Answer Key

Student A: People harm the environment in many ways. Our cars and machines contribute to the smog found in most big cities and towns. Our seas are polluted not only by oil from big ships, but also by the fact that we dump our rubbish at sea.

4Explain the task. Play the recording. Ss listen and make notes. Elicit answers from Ss around the class. Discuss Ss' answers.

Answer Key

ñrepeats ideas and language: B

ñcovers all points in the question: A, B

ñtalks about one picture more than the other: B

ñuses natural hesitation: A, B

ñuses rich vocabulary: A

5a. Explain the task and ask two Ss to read out the dialogue. Elicit answers from Ss around the class.

Answer Key

ñOh, it’s just horrible!

ñThe very thought of it makes me sick.

b.Go through the phrases in the useful language box and the situations. Ss work in pairs and complete the task. Ask some pairs to act out their dialogues in front of the


Unit 9


Suggested Answer Key

ñA: Did you know that most people in big cities use private

cars to commute?

B:But that’s so irresponsible! And what’s the point? Public transport is good these days.

A:Mmmm. Does it get you down?

B:Yes, it does.

A:Well, maybe people will see sense, before it’s too late.

ñA: Did you know that most businesses use paper that is not recycled.

B:Oh, it’s just ridiculous! And what’s the point? It’s very easy to get recycled paper nowadays.

A:Mmmm. Does it worry you?

B:Yes, it does.

A:Well, maybe we can do something, before it’s too late.

ñA: I read somewhere recently that almost all cosmetics companies use animal testing.

B:Oh, it’s so cruel! And what’s the point? Many non-animal tests could be used instead.

A:Mmmm. Does it depress you?

B:Yes, it does. I can’t bear to think about it.

6Explain the task and read out the expressions and the example. Ss work in pairs and complete the task. Check Ss' answers.

Suggested Answer Key

ñA: I believe we should all join an environmental group.

B:Why bother?

ñA: You don’t eat organic food, do you?

B:So what?

ñA: I am going to organise a protest about the closure of the zoo.

B:That’ll make it worse.

ñA: The government is not funding the recycling project anymore.

B:What a shame!

Reading: Culture Clip (pp. 166-167)

1a. Explain the task. Read out the title of the text. Ask Ss to describe the pictures. Elicit answers from Ss as to how the pictures are related to the text.

Suggested Answer Key

A:I think that the text must be about a method of preserving seeds from plants. The first picture shows a hand holding a selection of seeds, and the second and third pictures show buildings. These must be places where seeds are preserved.

B:Yes, I think you’re right. The buildings must be science institutes where people do research and the seeds must be kept there in special containers.

b.Allow Ss time to read the first and last paragraphs of the text and help them with any unknown vocabulary. Elicit answers from Ss as to what they think the text is about.

Suggested Answer Key

I think that the text is about a process of collecting and storing seeds in order to stop plant species from dying out. They will be used for medical research, to produce more food in developing countries, and for replanting in the natural habitats of endangered


2Read out the list of words and explain/elicit the meanings of any unknown items. Elicit from Ss which words may be found in the text, and how they might be connected with the subject. Then allow Ss time to scan the text to check.

Suggested Answer Key

I expect to find the words: extinction, preserve, conserve, technology, plants, botanist, storage, future and dried, frozen and stored. I don’t expect to find the words sea or museum in the text.

3a. Explain the task. Allow Ss some time to read the text silently and complete the task. Check Ss' answers.

Answer Key





C (lines 7-9)


D (lines 30-37)

7 A (lines 72-79)


B (lines 18-19)


B (lines 45-49)



A (lines 21-25)


A (lines 55-60)


b.Read out the question and elicit answers from Ss around the class.

Suggested Answer Key

a science magazine, newspaper

4a. Explain that the highlighted words refer back to information mentioned previously in the text. Do the first item with Ss. Then, allow Ss time to complete the exercise. Check Ss' answers around the class.

Answer Key

such precious resources refers to the world’s remaining (270,000) plant species

this aim refers to saving the seeds of over 24,000 species of plant life

these seeds (l. 37) refers to seeds from remote places

these seeds (l. 48) refers to the ones that cannot be dried and stored in seed banks in the usual way

we refers to scientists at the bank

this way refers to storing them and preserving them for the future

b.Ss explain the words in bold by giving examples or synonyms. They may use their dictionaries if necessary. Check Ss’ answers, then allow them time to write sentences. Ask various Ss to read out their sentences.

Answer Key

extinct: died out, vanished advancing: growing

estimate: calculate approximately under threat: in danger, at risk housed: kept, stored

preserving: saving, protecting set up: establish

negotiating: reaching an agreement after discussions sorted: organised, arranged

regenerate: grow again conserve: protect

per year: every year

developing world: poor countries with few industries restore: re-establish

released: set free extracted: removed diversity: variety


Unit 9

Suggested Answer Key

If measures are not taken, this species is going to be extinct soon. Technology is advancing at an incredible rate.

She estimates that it will take her a couple of hours to complete the test.

Many animals species are under threat.

The zoo houses a great number of endangered animals.

The scientists are doing their best to preserve the rare plant species. The shelter was set up to look after stray animals.

Local businesses are negotiating with the council about the plans for the recycling factory.

The lists are sorted in alphabetical order.

Botanists are hoping to be able to regenerate the seeds soon.

If you use energy efficient light bulbs, this will help to conserve energy.

Two thousand requests per year are made for seeds to be used in research.

Famine and unemployment are major problems in the developing world.

The project is hoping to restore the natural habitat for local wildlife.

The owl was released to the wild after its wing had healed.

The chemicals, which are extracted from the flowers, are used in medicine.

There is a great diversity of plant life on our planet.

5Read out the questions and allow Ss time to discuss them in pairs. Ask individual Ss to report back to the class.

Suggested Answer Key

ñA: DoyouthinktheMillenniumSeedBankProjectisimportant?

B:Yes, I do. It preserves seeds that are under threat of extinction and so protects the ecosystem. Also, it contributes a great deal in medical research and in the advancement of the developing world.

ñA: Do you know of any endangered species in your country? What is being done to protect them?

B:Karetta karetta is a kind of sea turtle, which is a protected species on the island of Zante, Greece. There is a protection centre which helps to facilitate the breeding of the seaturtle and to publicise the threat of extinction facing the sea-turtle and to make people conscious of the fact that we all are responsible for the destruction of the environment.

6Explain the task. Allow Ss time to make notes in pairs, then ask Ss around the class to talk about the Millenium Seed Bank.

Suggested Answer Key

ñit prevents the loss of precious resources

ñscientists collect rare seeds from all over the world and store them

ñseeds are sorted, separated, cleaned, dried, stored

ñscientists hope to be able to regenerate seeds in their natural environments

ñdeals with requests from organisations to use the seeds for medical research

7Explain the task. Write these points on the board as suggestions for Ss to include on their posters.

ñenvironmental protection

ñresearch in medicine

ñsocial aspect / help the developing world

ñpromote visit to the Bank

ñask for volunteers

Set the task as HW. Then ask individual pairs to present their posters to the class in the next lesson.

English in Use (pp. 168-169)

1Revise future forms. Refer Ss to the Grammar Reference section for more detail. Do item 1 with Ss, then Ss complete the task. Check Ss' answers.

Answer Key

















2Explain the task and check Ss’ understanding of the phrases given. Work through the example with Ss. Ss work in pairs and complete the exercise. Check Ss' answers.

Answer Key

2 The Prime Minister is to deliver a speech on Monday.

3 The city is bound to / is certain to / is sure to introduce a new recycling project.

4 The corporation is about to face bankruptcy / is on the verge of bankruptcy due to the toxic waste scandal.

5 The volunteers are to / are bound to clean up the river within the next six months.

3Explain the task and read out the example. Ss work in pairs and complete the exercise. Check Ss' answers.

Suggested Answer Key

I hope more people will be environmentally aware in the future. I’mafraidthatmanyendangeredanimalswillbeextinctinthefuture. I hope that more people will use solar power.

Environmentally speaking, I’m afraid that things will get worse before they get better.

I hope that everyone will stop wearing fur coats.

4Revise conditionals. Refer Ss to the Grammar Reference section for more detail. Do item 1 with Ss, then Ss complete the task. Check Ss' answers.

Answer Key




or else




on condition that


But for

5Explain the task and do item 1 with Ss. Ss work in pairs and complete the exercise. Check Ss' answers.

Suggested Answer Key

1 There might be cleaner air if we start using solar energy.

2 If there wasn’t any pollution at all, the world would be a beautiful place.

3 But for her help, I would never have passed the exam.

4 If the factory hadn’t dumped waste into the sea, the fish would not have died.

5 There wouldn’t be so many endangered species if we tried harder to protect them.

6 If we try to protect the environment, we will be able to make a difference.

6Explain the task and read out the example. Ss work in pairs and complete the exercise. Check Ss' answers.

Suggested Answer Key

2 If I had known about it, I would have joined you.

3 If everyone did the same, they’d be able to save more animals. 4 If I am not too busy, I will definitely come.


Unit 9

7Explain mixed conditionals. Refer Ss to the Grammar Reference section for more detail. Do item 1 with Ss, then Ss complete the task. Check Ss' answers and make sure Ss understand the time reference of each clause.

Answer Key

1 c

2 d

3 a

4 b

Suggested Answer Key

1If the company was more careful, it wouldn’t have

contaminated the water.

2If she had known about the protest, she would join the protestants.

3If you were more environmentally aware, you would have

recycled paper and glass.

4If the forest fire hadn’t been put out, many rare plants would disappear.

8Explain the use of wishes. Refer Ss to the Grammar Reference section for more detail. Work through the example with Ss, then Ss complete the task. Check Ss' answers.

Answer Key

2 I wish / if only people were more concerned about the forests. 3 I wish / if only people would stop using chemical sprays.

4 I wish / if only people would start using bicycles more. 5 I wish / if only people would put their rubbish in a bin. 6 I wish / if only governments would make it illegal.

7 I wish / if only animal protection organisations would make regular visits to the zoos.

9Explain the task. Explain that prefixes go at the beginnings of words to change the meaning. Do item 1 with Ss, then Ss complete the exercise using their dictionaries if necessary. Check Ss' answers. As an extension, ask Ss to make sentences using the words.

Answer Key

sleep – oversleep: wake up later than intended weigh – outweigh: be more important than sth else

populated – overpopulated/underpopulated: more/less populated than desirable

put – output (noun): the amount produced input (noun): information received

protective – overprotective: more protective than is desirable react – overreact: react more strongly than is appropriate time – overtime: extra hours at work

use – overuse/underuse: use more/less than desirable

developed – overdeveloped/underdeveloped: more/less developed than desirable

estimate – overestimate/underestimate: estimate sth to be larger/ smaller than it is

come – overcome: succeed in dealing with (a problem) income (noun): money you earn

outcome (noun): result

10Explain the task and point out that the second sentence should have the same meaning as the first sentence. Remind Ss that they must not change the word given. Do item 1 with Ss. Ss complete the exercise. Check Ss' answers.

Answer Key

1 ... are bound to appear ...

2 ... unless she does ...

3 ... spokesman is about to start ...

4 ... unless you do something ...

5... are bound to oppose ...

6 ... could not remember anything ...

7... is likely to be ...

8 ... is supposed to be ...

9... at the age of ...

10 ... as long as you are ...

11Ask Ss to read through the text quickly to get the gist. Focus on the example. Elicit why in is the correct answer (in is used with the year when sth happened). Do item 1 with Ss. Advise Ss to focus on whole sentences at a time, and to look very carefully at the words before and after each gap to help them decide on the missing word. Ss work in pairs and complete the exercise. Check Ss' answers on the board.

Answer Key







































12Ask Ss to look at the title, then skim the text to get the gist and say what it is about. Then tell Ss to read the first two sentences more carefully and establish that the first line is correct. Ask Ss to explain why them in the second line is an error (them is the wrong object of ‘start’ – ‘start’ refers to creating a habitat). Next focus on the third line (item 1) and elicit that such is an error (because we use ‘like’ on its own to give an example, or ‘such as’, but not ‘such’ and ‘like’ together). Remind Ss that they should always look at whole sentences before focusing on each line, since some errors depend on the grammar and meaning of the whole sentence and Ss might mistakenly think they are correct in the smaller context of the line. Ss complete the task individually or in pairs. Encourage Ss to reread the whole text afterwards to check that it is correct. Check Ss’ answers, asking for justification for each error found.

Answer Key

1such (we use ‘such as’ or ‘like’ not ‘such like’)

3they (we do not need the noun and the pronoun in the same sentence)

4of (we use ‘a lot of’ or many’ not ‘many of’ without a pronoun)

7each (unnecessary determiner)

8be (we do not need the verb ‘be’ – ‘need’ is the verb in this


10the (‘most’ is used as a determiner so the definite article is not needed)

11you (the passive ‘can be bought’ does not need a pronoun)

13so (we use ‘so as’ + to-inf but not so + to-inf

14if (‘even’ is used as an adverb in this sentence so we do not use ‘if’)

15well (we use ‘so long as’ or ‘as well as’ not ‘so long as well’)

Writing: Reviews (pp. 170-174)

1a. Go through the theory box and explain any points Ss have difficulty with. Read out the rubric and help Ss underline the key words. Go through the questions and elicit answers around the class.


Unit 9

Suggested Answer Key

Key words to be underlined: school newspaper; review; film; recently seen; related to the environment; brief summary of the plot; why you think it might interest other people

1fellow students/readers of the school newspaper

2Items to be included: recommendation; the main points of the plot; type of film / name of director; main characters / names

of actors; awards the film has won (if any)

3mainly present tenses

b.Explain the task. Allow Ss some time to read the article and complete the task. Check Ss’ answers.

Answer Key

1 d

2 c

3 b

4 a

c.Allow Ss some time to read the article again and answer the questions. Check Ss’ answers around the class.

Answer Key

1The writer gives a brief summary of the plot.

2Background information: what the story is about (a true story about one woman’s courageous fight to beat the system); names of director, actors, and characters

3It is a positive review.

Phrases used to recommend the film: moving and believable

performances; the directing is excellent; well worth seeing; It will touch your heart; Don’t miss it!

4No, the end of the story is not revealed.

5The writer has used: a variety of adjectives (e.g. courageous, sympathetic, emotional, moving, etc); complex sentences (time clauses, participle clauses and a relative clause); one abbreviation is used at the end (Don’t miss it!)

2Explain the task and go through the useful language box with Ss. Allow Ss time to make sentences, then ask individual Ss to read out their sentences.

Suggested Answer Key

The film tells the story of a woman’s fight to beat the system. The film is directed by Steven Soderbergh.

The film is a true story.

The story begins when Erin Brockovich is left with no money and no job after a car accident.

The cast is excellent and give believable performances.

3Explain the task and explain/elicit the meaning of any unknown words. Do item 1 with Ss. Ss work in pairs and complete the exercise. Check Ss' answers by asking individual Ss to read out the correct sentences.

Answer Key






box office hit






based on


plays the part









4a. Read out the question and elicit answers from Ss around the class.

Answer Key


The other nouns also refer to plays or books.

b.Read out the question and elicit answers from Ss around the class.

Suggested Answer Key

ñdull/excellent/moving/terrible/superb/awful/fantastic/ fascinating/dreadful/hilarious/amusing script/screenplay

ñdull/excellent/terrible/moving/superb/awful/fantastic/ dreadful acting

ñsuperb/fantastic/dramatic/spectacular scenery

ñdull/fantastic/fascinating/entertaining/dramatic/ plot

ñexcellent/terrible/superb/awful/fantastic/dreadful/dramatic sound effects


fascinating/touching/dreadful/thrilling/hilarious/ entertaining/amusing/tragic/dramatic story

ñexcellent/terrible/superb/awful/fantastic/dreadful cast

ñmoving/fascinating/touching/thrilling/tragic/hilarious/ dramatic end

ñdull/moving/fascinating/touching/thrilling/hilarious/ amusing/starring/tragic/dramatic role

ñdull/moving/fascinating/hilarious/amusing/tragic character

ñdull/excellent/terrible/superb/awful/fantastic/dreadful/ thrilling/dramatic special effects

c.Explain the task and read out the example. Ss complete the task in pairs. Check Ss' answers by asking individual pairs to read out their sentences.

Suggested Answer Key

It is worth watching for the dramatic scenery alone.

The superb sound effects will have you looking over your shoulder. Thanks to the fantastic special effects, the action is totally believable.

5Explain the task and read out the example. Explain/Elicit the meaning of any unknown vocabulary. Ss complete the task. Check Ss' answers by asking individual Ss to read out their sentences.

Suggested Answer Key

2a Tom Cruise stars in this fabulous box-office hit.

3e The film has an unexpected twist which will shock and amaze the audience.

4b I am reading a fast-paced novel at the moment.

5f I prefer this cover version to the original.

6c She is supposed to be releasing her debut album next month.

6a. Explain the task and go through the useful language box with Ss. Elicit answers from Ss around the class.

Answer Key

Positive: Don’t miss it. – It is well worth seeing. – It will change the way you see ... – It’s bound to be a box office hit. – I highly recommend it. – It is a highly entertaining read. – It’s certainly at the top of my list. – Fans will no doubt be thrilled with this. – It’s a must. – I definitely recommend that you add this CD to your collection!

Negative: I wouldn’t recommend it because ... – Wait until it comes out on video. – It’s a bore to read. – Don’t bother with this one.

b.Read out the question and elicit answers from Ss around the class.

Suggested Answer Key

For a film: It is well worth seeing. – It’s bound to be a box office hit. – Wait until it comes out on video.


Unit 9

For a book: It is a highly entertaining read. – It’s a bore to read. For a CD: I definitely recommend that you add this to your CD collection!

For all three: Don’t miss it. – It will change the way you see ... – I highly recommend it. – It’s at the top of my list. – Fans will no doubt be thrilled with this. – It’s a must. – I wouldn’t recommend it because ... – Don’t bother with this one.

c.Read out the question and elicit answers from Ss around the class.

Suggested Answer Key

Don’t miss Minority Report starring Tom Cruise. It’s well worth seeing.

You should get a copy of Chocolat. It’s a highly entertaining read. Fans will no doubt be thrilled with the new Eminem album. It’s a must!

7Explain the task and allow Ss time to read the review and complete the task. Read out the questions and elicit answers from Ss around the class.

Answer Key

Order of paragraphs: D, A, C, B

D gives background information

A is a summary of what the book is about C makes general comments

B contains the recommendation

The writer recommends the book by saying: ‘I highly recommend Woman in the Mists.’ ‘It is beautifully written and will leave the reader with a better understanding of this truly remarkable woman.’

Alternative recommendation

I thoroughly recommend Woman in the Mists. It is a very moving story and a highly interesting read.

8a. Read out the rubric and help Ss underline the key words. Read out the questions and elicit answers around the class.

Suggested Answer Key

Key words to be underlined: newspaper you work for; review; CD you like; description of some of the tracks; why you recommend it

I should include information about the CD, some of the tracks and why I recommend it.

The style should be semi-formal because it is for a newspaper.

b.Explain the task. Allow Ss some time to read the two models and answer the questions, then check Ss' answers.

Suggested Answer Key

Model A is clearly the better model. It is divided in paragraphs, it uses a variety of adjectives (simple, effective, energetic, calming, etc), has varied sentence structure (use of relative clauses, direct address, complex linking devices, etc) and gives reasons for its recommendation.

Model B, on the other hand, is not devided into paragraphs. It is too informal (uses colloquialisms, short forms, etc) and relies too heavily on simple adjectives (good, great). It has simple sentences and simple linking devices (and, but). It also fails to give reasons for its recommendation and is written in a very subjective way, without offering much information.

c.Explain the task and allow Ss time to complete the task in pairs and compare their answers with another pair. Then, ask some pairs to present their answers to the class.

Suggested Answer Key

Sting’s latest CD, Brand New Day, is really great. There are ten tracks on it, and even though the main theme is about love, the songs tell a different story.

The title track, Brand New Day, is also the name of the first single. This song is really good and the way it’s put together is really interesting. Desert Rose is the second single for the CD and it’s also great. The beginning of the song is sung in Arabic and then you hear Sting’s voice. I really liked this song! The song After the Rain Has Fallen, is another song that I loved. The End of the Game has a lot of different instruments like drums, keyboards and violins.

Sting is a man who has played almost everywhere in the world. If I were you, I’d go out and buy this CD today!

Alternative conclusion:

Sting is an amazingly talented artist with a worldwide reputation. I thoroughly recommend this CD to all music lovers.

You could read such a review in a magazine or newspaper.

9Explain the task and do the first item with Ss. Ss complete the exercise. Check Ss' answers by asking individual Ss to read out the amended paragraphs.

Answer Key

The CD’s title track, A Beautiful Day, is a beautiful song about life and hope. The arrangements are simple and effective. The catchy tune of Elevation, as well as the strong lyrics of Wild Honey, make these songs very hard to forget.

Suggested Answer Key

Fans will no doubt be thrilled with this album. I definitely recommend that you add this CD to your collection!

10Explain the task. Help Ss to underline the key words, then go through the questions and elicit answers around the class.

Suggested Answer Key

A Key words to be underlined: magazine; reviews; favourite films; main points of the plot; general comments about acting/directing; recommendation

1a film review

2 the editor and readers of the magazine; semi-formal style


name of film, type of film, names of characters/actors/ director

Main body:

plot summary, general comments about acting and directing


Simone is a marvellous new film by the well-known director, Andrew Niccol.


This film will make you laugh out loud. Don’t miss it!

BKey words to be underlined: teacher; review; book you have recently read; school newspaper; brief details of the plot; recommend it or not

1 a book review

2 readers of the school newspaper (fellow students); semiformal style


Unit 10


name of book, type of book, names of characters/writer Main body:

plot summary, general comments


Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix is a stunning new book by the best-selling writer, J K Rowling.


Fanswillnodoubtbethrilledwiththisbook.Foranyonewho hasneverreadJKRowling’swork,Ihighlyrecommendit.

CKey words to be underlined: Music Vibes Magazine; editor; review; CD that has just come out; brief details about the CD; recommend it or not

1 a CD review

2 readers of the magazine; semi-formal style

3 Introduction:

name of CD, type of music, names of performers/ musicians

Main body: details about music/lyrics/individual tracks 4 Beginning:

Last month, The Wrecking Crew finally released their longawaited new CD, Bricks and Mortar.

5 Recommendation:

Bricks and Mortar was well worth the two-year wait. I definitely recommend that you add this to your CD collection!

11Explain the task. Inform Ss that they can use the models on p. 170 and p. 172 as well as Model A on p. 173 to help them. Assign the task as written HW. Before Ss hand in their pieces of writing, ask them to go through the Checklist for Unit 9 at the back of the book and check their answers against it.

Suggested Answer Key

ASimone is a marvellous new film by the well-known director, Andrew Niccol. Al Pacino plays Viktor Taransky, a movie producer who is tired of the demanding actresses he has to work with. Catherine Keener plays his ex-wife, who is also the head of the film studio.

Set in Hollywood, the story begins when the lead actress drops out of Taransky’s latest film. He decides to make a point by replacing her with a computer-generated starlet called Simone. However, Simone is an instant success, and she is offered so much, including a major recording career, that he cannot bear to admit his fraud to the world or to himself.

The film is full of tense moments as reporters try to find out who Simone really is, and there are plenty of hilarious scenes as Taransky tries to convince the world that Simone is a real person. The actors are fantastic and the directing is excellent.

This film will make you laugh out loud. Don’t miss it!

BHarry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix is a stunning new book by the best-selling writer, J K Rowling. It is the fifth book in the highly popular Harry Potter series, and the most exciting and scary story so far.

This fascinating story begins as Harry Potter, student wizard, enters his fifth year at Hogwarts School. Some of the characters from earlier books return, including Professor Lupin and Mad-Eye Moody. We learn several amazing things in this book, including important facts about Harry’s mother and the horrible Dursley family. We also learn why the evil Lord Voldemort killed Harry’s parents.

Like all the other Harry Potter books, this is a gripping read from beginning to end. There are times when you will be holding your breath, not daring to breathe, as Harry faces many dangerous situations. Rowling’s use of language is wonderful and the characters she creates are very realistic.

Fans will no doubt be thrilled with this book. For anyone who has never read J K Rowling’s work, I highly recommend it.

CLast month, The Wrecking Crew finally released their longawaited new CD, Bricks and Mortar. There are ten tracks on the CD, each one with its own unique sound.

The CD's title track and first single, Four Walls, is an upbeat song about improving your life. The arrangements are simple and effective. The rich sound of On the Roof promises to be the second single from the CD and is full of surprises. The gentle introduction is played on acoustic guitar and is unlike anything you have ever heard before. Build It Up is an energetic song that tells listeners to be optimistic about life. You'll be humming this catchy tune long after you first hear it! Open the Door is another great song and features a variety of musical instruments, including drums and electric guitars.

Bricks and Mortar was well worth the two-year wait. I definitely recommend that you add this to your CD collection!

Unit 10 – Δhe Cycle of Life


Vocabulary: stages of life; healthy living; healthy eating Reading: multiple choice (reading for detail); gapped text (understanding text structure)

Listening: multiple matching; multiple choice (listening for gist, main points, detail, specific information)

Speaking: giving, accepting and rejecting advice

Use of English: ‘key’ word transformations; word formation; open cloze

Grammar: defining/non-defining relative clauses; clauses of purpose; clauses of concession; question tags

Phrasal verbs: do without; take up; put on; get over; put up with; giving off; cut out; keep off; do with; live on (related to healthy living)

Writing: revision and extension

Lead-in (p. 175)

1a. Read out the title. Ask Ss to look at the pictures and explain/elicit how these activities are related to the title.

Suggested Answer Key

The title refers to our life cycle and the pictures relate to different stages in our lives such as infancy, marriage, graduation, careers and old age.

b. Ask Ss to look at the pictures and describe what each person is doing. Elicit how the pictures make them feel.

Suggested Answer Key

I can see a baby being helped by an adult to take his/her first steps. This picture gives me a warm feeling inside, as it shows a moment which all parents wait for.


Unit 10

There is a young woman dressed in a graduation robe and holding her degree certificate up in the air. This picture makes me feel happy because the young woman must have worked hard and is undoubtedly feeling very proud.

There is a young man dressed in a business suit smiling and giving the ‘thumbs up’ sign. I feel pleased for the man in this picture, as he has probably just got a promotion or made an important deal.

I can also see a couple who have just got married. The groom is helping the bride to get down from a carriage. They are both smiling and look very happy. I feel quite romantic when I look at this picture, as it shows a couple who are obviously very much in love.

There is also an elderly couple on the phone. They are both listening to the person on the other end of the phone and smiling. I feel a little sad when I see this picture, because this couple may be missing their children, who have clearly grown up and left home.

2a. Explain the task and explain/elicit the meaning of any unknown vocabulary. Ss complete the task in pairs. Check Ss’ answers.

Answer Key

0-5: newborn, baby, infant, toddler

5-12: child, school-age child, youngster

13-19: adolescent, teenager, juvenile 20+: adult, grown-up, parent 40+: middle-aged person

60+: elderly, senior citizen, pensioner

b.Explain the task and explain/elicit the meaning of any unknown vocabulary. Ss complete the task in pairs. Check Ss’ answers.

Suggested Answer Key

ñA: I think savings are relevant to a person who is over forty, don’t you?

B:Yes, because this is when people need to start saving for their retirement.

ñA: I think retiring is relevant to a person who is over sixty, don’t you?

B:Yes, because this is when people stop working.

ñA: I think temper tantrums are relevant to a person who is under five, don’t you?

B:Yes, because this is when children find it difficult to control their emotions.

ñA: I think promotion is relevant to a person who is over twenty, don’t you?

B:Yes, because this is when people start developing their career.

ñA: I think stress is relevant to a person who is over twenty, don’t you?

B:Yes, because this is when people start having a lot of responsibility.

ñA: I think learning to talk is relevant to a person who is under five, don’t you?

B:Yes, because this is when children learn to communicate.

ñA: I think learning to drive is relevant to a person who is 16 or over?

B:Yes, because this is when people can apply for a driving licence.

ñA: I think a pension is relevant to a person who is over sixty, don’t you?

B:Yes, because this is when people retire from work.

ñA: I think homework is relevant to people who are between 5 and 12 and between 13 and 19, don’t you?

B:Yes, because this is when children are in full-time education.

ñA: I think learning to read is relevant to a person who is under five, don’t you?

B:Yes, because this is when children prepare to go to school.

ñA: I think starting a family is relevant to a person who is over twenty, don’t you?

B:Yes, because this is when people usually settle down.

ñA: I think university is relevant to a person who is between 13 and 19, don’t you?

B:Yes, because this is when people think about going into further education.

ñA: I think looking for a job is relevant to a person who is 18 or over.

B:Yes, because this is when people usually look for a job.

3a. Explain the task. Ask Ss to read the seven statements and elicit which are about lifestyle problems and which are about solutions. Play the recording twice. Ss listen and complete the task. Check Ss' answers.

Answer Key












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b.Read out the question and allow Ss time to discuss in pairs. Then ask individual pairs to report back to the class.

Suggested Answer Key

healthy eating regular exercise financial security

good relationships with friends, partners and family pleasant daily environment


4Explain the task. Read the quotations aloud. Explain/Elicit what they mean. Ss complete the task. Check Ss’ answers around the class.

Suggested Answer Key

A:I agree with the first quotation because I feel that many people nowadays are so concerned with making money and paying the bills that often they do not pay attention to the more important parts of our lives such as family, friendships and living for the moment.

B:Yes, but I think that the second quotation is also true, as we spend so much time planning ahead and looking to the future that life passes us by without us even noticing.

Reading (pp. 176-177)

1Read out the title and ask Ss to look at the pictures. Explain/ Elicit how the pictures are related to the title.

Suggested Answer Key

The pictures show things which can lengthen or shorten your life.

2a. Explain the task and allow Ss time to discuss in pairs. Then ask individual pairs to report back to the class.


Unit 10

Suggested Answer Key

A:I think yoga, exercising, taking vitamins and healthy eating help us to live longer.

B:I agree, but smoking, eating junk food and taking a lot of pills do not.

b.Allow Ss time to skim the text and underline the health issues mentioned.

Suggested Answer Key

sports, diet, smoking, yoga, walking, fruit and vegetables

3Explain the task and allow Ss some time to read the questions and the text and complete the task. Check Ss' answers. Ask Ss to give evidence for their answers from the text.

Suggested Answer Key

1A with record numbers of fit, healthy people reaching the age of 90 and over (lines 7-8)

2A this seems to be a continuing trend (line 5)

3C travelling ..., learning new skills, taking up different sports, starting businesses (lines 16-18)

4B intake of fewer calories allowed mice to live up to 40% longer (lines 26-27)

5 B we can ... do a lot to slow down biological ageing (lines 42-43)

6D Improve your diet by eating smaller portions, especially at night. (item 13 in the list)

7A How well we age ... is up to us. (introductory paragraph) Our opinion of what is old ... tends to change with ...

higher levels of longevity. (lines 19-22)

4a. Explain that the words match to form collocations used in the text. Allow Ss a few minutes to match the words and find them in the text. Check Ss’ answers and understanding of the collocations. Then Ss make sentences. Check Ss’ answers by asking Ss to read out their sentences.

Suggested Answer Key

2g I am changing to a healthier lifestyle in order to improve my energy levels. (line 7)

3a The greying population is becoming more and more energetic. (line 10)

4b Life expectancy in my country is very high due to healthy eating. (lines 2-3)

5e Eating junk food speeds up the ageing process. (line 37)

6c In Japan, there are record numbers of people over 100 years old. (line 7)

7f Social circumstances can affect how long we live. (line 25)

b.Ss work in pairs and complete the task, working out the meaning of the five words given from the context. Ss may use their dictionaries to help them explain the highlighted words. Check Ss’ answers.

Answer Key

1 b

2 a

3 b

4 a

5 b

Suggested Answer Key

generation: a period of time – usually 30 years doubled: multiplied by two

trend: general development, change dramatically: very greatly longevity: long life

calories: units used to measure the energy value of food cancer: a disease which affects the cells in the body

consume: use/eat

centenarians: people who are 100 years old or older challenge: difficult task

physical: of the body chronological: of age biological: organic

posture: standing/sitting position

5Explain the task and allow Ss some time to read the text again and complete the task. Check Ss' answers.

Answer Key

activity: 5/6/11; attitude: 1/3/4/9; intellect: 7; nutrition: 12/13; sociability: 10

6a. Read out the question and explain the task. Allow Ss time to complete the task, then ask individual Ss to report back to the class.

Suggested Answer Key

A:I don’t eat enough fresh fruit and vegetables, so I probably don’t get all of the vitamins I need to be healthy.

B:I’d be prepared to eat more healthily in order to improve my health. I don’t get much exercise, as I spend most of the day sitting at a desk. I’d like to find the time to exercise regularly, but this thing is easier said than done.

b.Read out the question and explain the task. Allow Ss time to complete the task, then ask individual Ss to report back to the class.

Suggested Answer Key

The most important advantage is that they can enjoy family life and spend time with their children and grandchildren. Moreover, they can be looked after by the young members of the family and they can socialise with younger people which will enable them to be more active and alert.

7Explain the task. Allow Ss time to complete the task, then ask individual Ss to report back to the class.

Suggested Answer Key

Take up some form of exercise.

Keep socially active, especially with younger people. Always use sunscreen in hot weather.

Try to keep as mentally active as you can. Don’t be pessimistic.

Language Focus (pp. 178-179)

1a. Explain the task. Allow Ss time to rank the items in the list and compare their answers in pairs, then ask some pairs to report back to the class.

Suggested Answer Key

1, 8, 5, 2, 4, 3, 7, 6

b.Explain the task. Allow Ss time to complete the task and compare their answers in pairs. Ask some pairs to report back to the class.

Suggested Answer Key

A:For me, keeping to a healthy weight is most important for a healthy lifestyle.

B:You’re absolutely right. Maintaining a healthy weight is very important for your well-being.


Unit 10

c.Read out the question and elicit answers from around the class.

Suggested Answer Key

I eat plenty of healthy food and I go jogging every morning in order to keep fit.

2Explain the task and check Ss’ understanding of the words in the spidergram. Allow Ss time to complete the task, then check Ss' answers around the class.

Answer Key well-balanced

Suggested Answer Key

She was quite well-off, with a good pension and a number of bank accounts.

Lewis is tall, well-built and very attractive.

We were amazed at how well-preserved the artefacts in the museum were.

I was impressed by how well-mannered the children were. Dave gave up a well-paid job to study at university.

Jane is always well-dressed and never looks scruffy. He is very well-informed about nutrition and exercise.

She is from a well-to-do family who have a great deal of property.

3a. Explain the task, go through the table and read out the example. Allow Ss time to complete the task in pairs, then ask some pairs to report back to the class.

Suggested Answer Key

ñA: I think orange juice should be part of a student’s diet because it’s a high energy food and it’s rich in vitamin C.

B:You’re right. I think students should also eat oily fish as it’s high in calcium.

ñA: I think milk should be part of an old person’s diet because it’s a high energy food and it’s rich in calcium.

B:You’re right. I think an old person should also eat chicken as it’s rich in protein.

ñA: I think fish should be part of the diet of somebody who’s on a diet because it’s a high energy, low fat food.

B:You’re right. I think that a person on a diet should also eat cornflakes as they are high in carbohydrates and low in fat.

b.Explain the task, go through the table and read out the example. Elicit answers from Ss around the class.

Suggested Answer Key

I can’t stand spicy food.

I often eat savoury snacks at work.

I always eat fruit and salads when I’m on diet.

I don’t really like fizzy drinks.

I only eat junk food on holiday.

I love creamy sauces.

I never eat greasy foods.

I rarely eat sweets.

c.Read out the questions and elicit answers from Ss around the class.

Suggested Answer Key

I like eating vegetables. I eat them every day. I like to eat them fried or roasted.

I like eating steak. I eat it once or twice a month. I like to eat it grilled. etc

4Explain the task and do item 1 with Ss. Allow Ss time to complete the exercise. Check Ss' answers, then ask Ss to explain the differences between each set of words.

Answer Key

1 helping (= a serving; plate = item of crockery we eat a meal off; dish = particular type of food/meal, e.g. chicken casserole, beef

stew, etc; course = one part of a meal)

2recipe (= written list of ingredients/instructions on how to make a dish; instructions = a list of points on how to do sth; prescription = paper from doctor with medicine and dosage

given to a patient to give to the chemist; receipt = a piece of paper that shows proof of purchase of sth)

3frozen (= hard due to very low temperature; freezing = in the process of becoming frozen; cold = low temperature; icy =

covered with ice)

4course (= one part of a meal; starter = the first course of a meal; appetiser = small light serving of food to increase the appetite; dessert = sweet course served after the main course

of a meal)

5sparkling (= carbonated; gassy = full of gas; flat = still/ uncarbonated; bubbly = full of bubbles)

6wound (= cut in the skin; injury = damage to the body; pain = feeling when you are hurt; ache = dull pain)

7recover (= to recuperate; heal = get better; cure = remedy; mend = repair)

5a. Explain the task and do item 1 with Ss. Allow Ss time to complete the exercise. Check Ss' answers, then ask Ss to explain the meanings of the idioms.

Answer Key

1 – f comes to life: becomes energetic

2 – a goes bad: goes off

3 – e killing time: doing sth to keep busy while waiting 4 – b the time of your life: a great time

5 – d couch potato: sb who constantly watches TV and does not take any exercise.

6 – c have a sweet tooth: like eating sweets

b.Explain the task. Ss complete the task, then compare their answers in pairs. Check Ss’ answers.

Answer Key

couch potato

Suggested Answer Key

"A couch potato - who me?"

6a. Explain the task. Do item 1 with Ss, then Ss work in pairs and complete the task. Ss can check their answers in Appendix 2 at the back of the book. Check Ss' answers. Ss should then memorise the phrasal verbs.

Answer Key












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1 do without: manage without

2take up: start

3 put on: gained (weight)

4 get over: recover from

5put up with: tolerate

6 giving off: releasing, emitting

7cut out: remove

8keep off: stay away from